[Autism Society of Southern Arizona] desperately need help with school decision

I'm hoping that someone will have more experience or advise than I have.


My son is 9 years old. He is moderate to high functioning.

His weaknesses are memory, motor skills and judgement.

(reading and writing)


He is in the Vail School district.


We needed to pick a new school this year.


The first school is an elementary school that has the normal resources that I would expect.

(they are short handed, busy, busy, busy)


The second school says they are a higher learning school.  They are supposed to be all-inclusive.

The school is a lottery.

This is the school that my other two children are going to and my son really wants to be at a school with his siblings.

The vice principal was reassuring and made me believe that my son's needs IEP would be taken care of.

The principal made me believe that my son will get the limited resources they have but the rest of his needs would not be taken care of.

The rest of the school has been great.


If I attempt the second school and it does not work out we can go back to the first school.


I have never had to fight for my sons needs to the extent that I think I will need to at the second school.

(I fight for his needs already but can't say that I'm excellent at it)

But my son truly has his heart set on going to the same school as his brothers.


Any advice or resources you can recommend to help me would be greatly appreciated.


I would love to see my son go to the school but don't want him to have to battle the principal every day.


Thank you


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